Пак для chimericdream и друзей
- Bookshelf
- ImprovedHoes
- ItemScroller
- AppleSkin
- EnchantmentDescriptions
- Clumps
- Xaero’sMinimap
- BetterThanMending
- AntiGhost
- ConcreteConversion
- Tweakeroo
- AutoThirdPerson
- MaLiLib
- FabricAPI
- ModMenu
- FabricLanguageKotlin
- Litematica
- RoughlyEnoughItemsFabric/Forge(REI)
- BorderlessMining
- Crawl(Fabric)
- NbtCrafting(Fabric)
- ClothAPI(Fabric)
- Xaero’sWorldMap
- ClothConfigAPI(UNUSED)
- Colormatic
- LightOverlay(Rift/Forge/Fabric)
- DynamicFPS
- DiggusMaximus
- Carpet
- CarpetExtra
- WIZoom
- HorseStatsVanilla(Fabric)
- NotEnoughCrashes(Fabric)
- OpenLoader
- Lithium(Fabric)
- RandomBlockPlacement
- ChatUp!
- YourOptionsShallBeRespected(YOSBR)
- DarkPaintings
- Mo’Structures(Fabric)
- GrindEnchantments
- ‘Slight’GuiModifications
- CompleteConfig
- SheepConsistency
- RepurposedStructures(Fabric)
- VillagersfollowEmeralds[Fabric]
- InfiniteVillagerTrading
- CleanCut
- Patchouli(Fabric)
- LambDynamicLights
- CherishedWorlds(Fabric)
- NowPlaying
- ItemModelFix(Fabric)
- LambdaBetterGrass
- AdvancementInfo
- Fabrishot
- ArmoredElytra
- FabricCapes
- SilkSpawners
- ToolTipFix
- SmoothBoot(Fabric)
- ArchitecturyAPI(Fabric)
- SimpleMeasuring
- YUNG’sAPI(Fabric)
- AdditionalBars[FABRIC]
- LazyDFU
- KeepHeadNames(Fabric/Forge)
- WanderingCollector
- BetterBeacon/Conduit
- EntityCullingFabric/Forge
- NoEnchantCap
- EnhancedBlockEntities
- NoFade
- CompostableRottenFlesh(Fabric)
- FerriteCore(Fabric)
- BetterMountHUD
- CustomEntityModels(CEM)
- MoreVillagers[Fabric]
- FixExperienceBug(nowwithFABRICandFORGEversions)
- NoRecipeBook(Fabric)
- GammaUtils
- JustEnoughKeys[JEK][Fabric]
- InventoryProfilesNext
- AxolotlBucketFix
- Balm(FabricEdition)
- CraftingTweaks(FabricEdition)
- FastOpenLinksAndFolders
- CITResewn
- LenientStackSize
- Collective(Fabric)
- LanguageReload
- ZombieHorseSpawn(Fabric)
- TreeHarvester(Fabric)
- SuperflatWorldNoSlimes(Fabric)
- SofterHayBales(Fabric)
- ScaffoldingDropsNearby(Fabric)
- RainBeGoneRitual(Fabric)
- JustPlayerHeads(Fabric)
- InventoryTotem(Fabric)
- HandOverYourItems(Fabric)
- GrassSeeds(Fabric)
- Edibles(Fabric)
- NoTelemetry
- DismountEntity(Fabric)
- DeathBackup(Fabric)
- CyclePaintings(Fabric)
- BetterConduitPlacement(Fabric)
- BetterBeaconPlacement(Fabric)
- Continuity
- Animatica
- DeepslateInstamine-Fabric/Forge
- RandomBoneMealFlowers(Fabric)
- QuickPaths(Fabric)
- KelpFertilizer(Fabric)
- IcePreventsCropGrowth(Fabric)
- FireSpreadTweaks(Fabric)
- ExtendedBoneMeal(Fabric)
- DoubleDoors(Fabric)
- BetterSpawnerControl(Fabric)
- AllArrowsInfinityFix
- You’reinGraveDanger
- NoNullProcessors
- PuzzlesLib[Fabric]
- ForgeConfigAPIPort[Fabric]
- EasyMagic[Fabric]
- TrashSlot(FabricEdition)
- PrettyBeaches(FabricEdition)
- CryingPortals(Fabric)
- AdvancedNetherite[FABRIC]
- KeepMySoilTilled(Fabric)
- TinySkeletons[Fabric]
- AdvancementScreenshot(Fabric)
- SurfaceMushrooms(Fabric)
- VisualWorkbench[Fabric]
- Companion (Fabric)
- FeatureNBTDeadlockBeGone
- Charcoal+[Fabric]
- CauldronDyeing
- Extremesoundmuffler(Fabric)Official
- Pannotia’sParcels
- EffectsLeft(Fabric/Quilt)
- PetTransfer
- TradeCycling
- Subterrestrial(Fabric)
- Minekea(Fabric)
- Sponj(Fabric)
Как установить World of Pannotia на Майнкрафт:
- Скачайте и установите CurseForge. Запустите лаунчер напрямую или через Overwolf.
- Зайдите в раздел Minecraft. Потом в раздел Просмотр сборок (Browse modpack). Выберите нужную версию Майнкрафта Minecraft 1.18 в списке Версий (All Game Versions)
- Вбейте в поиск World of Pannotiaи выберите сборку в списке внизу и нажмите Установка (Install). Дождитесь пока не появится кнопка Играть (play).
- Ваша сборка всегда будет видна в разделе Minecraft. Нажмите там play. Откроется ванильный лаунчер Майнкрафт.
- Если нужно залогинтесь через Моджанг или Майкрософт аккаунт и нажмите играть.
- Подробнее
Видео по установке 2021
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.4 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- advancementinfo
- advancement screenshot
- all stackable
- always loaded
- amecs
- anvil restoration
- appleskin
- architectury api
- areas
- armorpoints
- ash api
- audioplayer
- auth me
- autorun fabric
- auto third person
- axolotl bucket fix
- balm fabric
- better beacon
- better mount hud
- better ping display fabric
- better spawner control
- better stats
- better than mending
- better trim tooltips
- boat item view
- bobby
- bottled air
- bottled allays
- bottle your xp
- bountiful fabric
- bow infinity fix
- capes
- carpet
- cave survey
- charm of undying
- cherished worlds
- cit resewn
- cleancut
- clean tooltips
- cleanview fabric
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- completeconfig
- compostables
- conduits prevent drowned
- connectivity
- continuity
- corner portal linking
- couplings
- crawl
- crying portals
- cupboard
- curvebuilding
- cycle paintings
- daily dad server
- death backup
- debugify
- deepslatecutting
- deepslate instamine
- diggus maximus
- discontinuous beacon beams
- dismount entity
- dispenser configurator
- distracting trims
- drp global datapack
- durability tooltip
- dynamic fps
- easy shulker boxes
- elytra slot
- enchantedshulkers
- enchanting commands
- enchanting tweaker
- enhanced block entities
- entityculling
- entity model features
- entity texture features fabric
- explorers compass
- extended bone meal
- extreme sound muffler fabric official
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabricskyboxes
- fabricskyboxes interop
- fabrishot
- falling leaves fabric
- fastanim
- fast paintings
- fire spread tweaks
- fluid void fading
- followers teleport too
- forge config api port fabric
- full brightness toggle
- get it together drops
- grass seeds
- grind enchantments
- gui followers
- hand over your items
- hoe tweaks
- horsestatsvanilla
- iceberg fabric
- ice prevents crop growth
- identity
- indium
- inventory profiles next
- inventory totem
- item highlighter fabric
- jade
- jamd
- jamlib
- just player heads
- kambrik
- keepheadnames
- keep my soil tilled
- kelp fertilizer
- kiwi fabric
- kleeslabs fabric
- leaky
- leaves us in peace
- libipn
- libreexpfix
- light overlay
- litematica
- litematica tool
- lootr fabric
- malilib
- map tooltip
- miniblock merchants
- minihud
- model gap fix
- more banner layers
- name tag tweaks
- natures compass
- norecipebook fabric
- now playing
- open parties and claims
- optigui
- organizable play screens
- overworld piglins
- passable foliage fabric
- patchouli fabric
- polymer
- prevent despawn
- puzzles lib
- rain be gone ritual
- random bone meal flowers
- random mob sizes
- reacharound
- reeses sodium options
- replanting crops
- rightclickharvest
- roughly enough items
- roughly enough professions rep
- roughly enough resources
- scaffolding drops nearby
- see through lava water
- selene
- shuffle
- shulker box slot
- shulkerboxtooltip
- silkspawners
- simple magnets
- simple voice chat
- slimyfloor
- smaller nether portals
- smooth chunk save
- sneak through berries
- sodium
- sodium extra
- softer hay bales
- sponj fabric
- starlight
- stendhal
- superflat world no slimes
- supermartijn642s config lib
- supermartijn642s core lib
- suspicious sand maker
- tax free levels
- timestamp chat
- trade cycling
- trashslot fabric edition
- trenzalore
- trinkets
- tweakeroo
- ugly scoreboard fix
- universal shops
- vectorientation
- villager death messages
- villagertweaks
- visuality
- wi zoom
- worldedit
- worldeditcui fabric
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map
- yacl
- yeetusexperimentus
- your items are safe
- yungs api fabric
- yungs better desert temples fabric
- yungs better dungeons fabric
- yungs better jungle temples fabric
- yungs better mineshafts fabric
- yungs better nether fortresses fabric
- yungs better ocean monuments fabric
- yungs better strongholds fabric
- yungs better witch huts fabric
- yungs bridges fabric
- yungs extras fabric
- zombie villagers from spawner
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- advancementinfo
- advancement screenshot
- all stackable
- always loaded
- amecs
- anvil restoration
- appleskin
- architectury api
- areas
- armorpoints
- ash api
- audioplayer
- auth me
- autorun fabric
- auto third person
- axolotl bucket fix
- balm fabric
- better beacon
- better mount hud
- better ping display fabric
- better spawner control
- better stats
- better than mending
- better trim tooltips
- boat item view
- bobby
- bottled air
- bottle your xp
- bountiful fabric
- bow infinity fix
- capes
- carpet
- cave survey
- charm of undying
- cherished worlds
- cit resewn
- cleancut
- clean tooltips
- cleanview fabric
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- completeconfig
- compostables
- conduits prevent drowned
- connectivity
- continuity
- corner portal linking
- couplings
- crawl
- crying portals
- curvebuilding
- cycle paintings
- daily dad server
- death backup
- debugify
- deepslate instamine
- diggus maximus
- discontinuous beacon beams
- dismount entity
- dispenser configurator
- distracting trims
- drp global datapack
- durability tooltip
- dynamic fps
- easy shulker boxes
- elytra slot
- enchantedshulkers
- enchanting commands
- entityculling
- entity model features
- entity texture features fabric
- explorers compass
- extended bone meal
- extreme sound muffler fabric official
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabricskyboxes
- fabricskyboxes interop
- fabrishot
- falling leaves fabric
- fastanim
- fast paintings
- fire spread tweaks
- fluid void fading
- followers teleport too
- forge config api port fabric
- full brightness toggle
- get it together drops
- grass seeds
- grind enchantments
- gui followers
- hand over your items
- hoe tweaks
- horsestatsvanilla
- ice prevents crop growth
- identity
- indium
- inventory profiles next
- inventory totem
- jade
- jamd
- jamlib
- just player heads
- kambrik
- keepheadnames
- keep my soil tilled
- kelp fertilizer
- kiwi fabric
- kleeslabs fabric
- leaky
- leaves us in peace
- libipn
- libreexpfix
- light overlay
- litematica
- litematica tool
- lootr fabric
- malilib
- map tooltip
- miniblock merchants
- minihud
- model gap fix
- more banner layers
- name tag tweaks
- natures compass
- norecipebook fabric
- now playing
- open parties and claims
- optigui
- overworld piglins
- passable foliage fabric
- patchouli fabric
- polymer
- prevent despawn
- puzzles lib
- rain be gone ritual
- random bone meal flowers
- random mob sizes
- reacharound
- reeses sodium options
- replanting crops
- rightclickharvest
- roughly enough items
- roughly enough professions rep
- scaffolding drops nearby
- selene
- shuffle
- shulker box slot
- shulkerboxtooltip
- silkspawners
- simple voice chat
- slimyfloor
- smaller nether portals
- smooth chunk save
- sneak through berries
- sodium
- sodium extra
- softer hay bales
- sponj fabric
- starlight
- stendhal
- superflat world no slimes
- supermartijn642s config lib
- suspicious sand maker
- tax free levels
- trade cycling
- trashslot fabric edition
- trenzalore
- trinkets
- tweakeroo
- ugly scoreboard fix
- universal shops
- villager death messages
- villagertweaks
- visuality
- wi zoom
- worldedit
- worldeditcui fabric
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map
- yacl
- your items are safe
- zombie villagers from spawner