Сборка модов на Майнкрафт 1.20.2, основанная на выживании, исследовании и улучшении магии.
Скриншоты модов из сборки (можно кликать!):
Список модов из сборки [1.17.1]:
- YUNG'sAPI(Fabric)
- RingsofAscension(Fabric)
- SimpleVoiceChat
- BetterNether
- IronChestsforFabric
- ToolStats
- BackSlot
- AnOriginsAddon-Libra
- AwesomeDungeon-Fabric
- Atlantis
- Mo'Structures(Fabric)
- MoreVillagesMod
- Sit(Fabric)
- Outvoted
- ToroHealthDamageIndicators
- WeaponThrowLite
- MCDungeonsArmors
- MaLiLib
- CleanCut
- Draylar'sBattleTowers
- ModMenu
- SkinLayers3D(Fabric/Forge)
- DefaultSettingsFabric
- MCDungeonsWeapons
- VoidZ
- ExtraOrigins
- VillageSpawnPoint(Fabric)
- CaelusAPI(Fabric)
- InventorySorting
- lootbeams
- ClothAPI(Fabric)
- FabricLanguageKotlin
- Comforts(Fabric)
- MythicMounts
- Traverse
- LambDynamicLights
- First-personModel(Forge/Fabric)
- TheGuild
- VillagerQuests
- GoblinTraders(Fabric)
- AdvancementPlaques[Fabric]
- EnchantmentLore
- SimpleBackpack[FABRIC]
- TerrificTrinkets
- FabricSeasons
- Origins:Classes
- Collective(Fabric)
- DimensionalDoors
- Stoneholm,UndergroundVillages(Fabric)
- FabricAPI
- Charm
- EnvironmentZ
- ArchitecturyAPI(Fabric)
- Xaero'sWorldMap
- FallingLeaves(Fabric)
- Blur(Fabric)
- Bountiful(Fabric)
- Dehydration
- EnhancedCelestials(Fabric)-BloodMoons&HarvestMoons
- ItemScroller
- EnchantmentDescriptions
- YUNG'sBetterDungeons(Fabric)
- DarkLoadingScreen
- Balm(FabricEdition)
- Carrier
- RepurposedStructures(Fabric)
- TheGraveyard(FABRIC)
- AppleSkin
- CraftableHorseArmour&Saddle[CHA&S]
- Origins(Fabric)
- MoreVillagers[Fabric]
- BetterEnchantedBooks(Fabric)
- Trinkets(Fabric)
- YUNG'sBetterMineshafts(Fabric)
- NotEnoughAnimations(Forge/Fabric)
- RoughlyEnoughItemsFabric(REI)
- RespawnablePets
- RandomMobEffects(Fabric)
- Pehkui
- TRansliterationLib
- Genesis-AnOriginsAddon
- IrisShaders
- AnOriginsAddon-Apocalypse
- SMPOrigins
- EldritchMobs
- ClothConfigAPI(Fabric)
- Waystones(FabricEdition)
- Don'tStarveOrigins
- PhysicsMod
- SeamlessLoadingScreen
- Illuminations
- Hookshot
- WhenDungeonsArise-Fabric!
- Charmonium
- HerdsPanic
- Clumps
- GeckoLib
- Gobber[FABRIC]
- Xaero'sMinimap
- Kambrik
- NPCVariety-Port
- NetherPortalSpread(Fabric)
- CosmeticArmor[FABRIC]
- AdventureZ
- YUNG'sBetterStrongholds(Fabric)
- WolvesWithArmor
- BackSlotAddon
Как установить UVision [FABRIC]на Майнкрафт:
- Скачайте и установите CurseForge. Запустите лаунчер напрямую или через Overwolf.
- Зайдите в раздел Minecraft. Потом в раздел Просмотр сборок (Browse modpack). Выберите нужную версию Майнкрафта в списке Версий (All Game Versions)
- Вбейте в поиск UVision [FABRIC] и выберите сборку в списке внизу и нажмите Установка (Install). Дождитесь пока не появится кнопка Играть (play).
- Ваша сборка всегда будет видна в разделе Minecraft. Нажмите там play. Откроется ванильный лаунчер Майнкрафт.
- Если нужно залогинтесь через Моджанг или Майкрософт аккаунт и нажмите играть.
- Подробнее
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.4 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- additional additions
- additional structures fabric
- advanced netherite fabric
- advancement plaques fabric
- adventurez
- aftershock
- appleskin
- architectury api
- archon
- artifacts
- autotag
- awesome dungeon fabric
- azurelib
- backslot
- backslotaddon
- badpackets
- bag of holding forge
- balm fabric
- bclib
- better advancements
- better combat by daedelus
- betterend
- betternether
- better third person
- bewitchment
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- bits and chisels
- blur fabric
- bookshelf
- bosses of mass destruction
- botania fabric
- botarium
- bountiful fabric
- cardinal components api
- carrier
- charm of undying
- charmonium
- cha s
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- clickable advancements
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- combat roll
- comforts
- controlling
- corgilib
- cosmetic armor fabric
- craftable chainmail armor
- craftpresence
- creativecore
- creeper overhaul
- cupboard
- dark loading screen
- deeperdarker
- defaultsettings fabric
- dehydration
- diagonal fences
- dimensionaldoors
- dusk
- ecologics
- eldritch mobs
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchantment descriptions
- enchantment lore
- enhancedvisuals
- entityculling
- environmentz
- equipment compare fabric
- expert armor
- extra origins
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabric rings of ascension
- fabric seasons
- fabric seasons terralith compat
- fabric waystones
- fakerlib
- falling leaves fabric
- farmers delight fabric
- female gender
- ferritecore fabric
- first person model
- forge config api port fabric
- framework fabric
- friends and foes
- geckolib
- giant spawn
- goblintraders fabric
- guard villagers fabric
- hardcore revival fabric
- heartbond
- herdspanic
- iceberg fabric
- incendium
- indium
- inventory sorting
- irisshaders
- iron chests for fabric
- item borders fabric
- itemphysic lite
- item scroller
- jcplugin
- kambrik
- legendary tooltips fabric
- levelz
- libra an origins addon
- library ferret fabric
- libz
- light overlay
- logical zoom
- loot integrations
- macaws bridges
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws roofs
- magnum torch forge
- malilib
- mcda
- mcdar
- mcdw
- merchant markers fabric
- midnightcontrols
- midnightlib
- more villagers fabric
- mouse tweaks
- myloot
- mythic mounts
- nether portal spread
- not enough animations
- npc variety port
- nyctophobia fabric
- origins
- owo lib
- pandas extra details
- pandas falling trees
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- physics mod
- playeranimator
- prism fabric
- productive villagers
- puzzles lib
- random mob effects
- reds more structures
- regrowth
- repurposed structures fabric
- resourceful config
- respawnable pets
- roughly enough items
- rpgdifficulty
- satin api
- searchables
- selene
- simple voice chat
- simply swords
- sit fabric
- skin layers 3d
- smartbrainlib
- sodium
- sound physics remastered
- spoorn armorattributes
- spoornpacks
- spoorn weapon attributes
- structory
- styled nicknames
- stylish effects
- supplementaries
- terrablender fabric
- terralith
- the graveyard fabric
- things fabric
- tiny skeletons forge
- tips
- tool stats
- toomanyorigins
- towers of the wild additions
- trading post
- trashslot fabric edition
- travelers titles fabric
- trinkets
- tumbleweed
- twigs
- village spawn point
- visual overhaul
- visual workbench
- voidtotem fabric
- voidz
- wandering collector
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wthit
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map
- yungs api fabric
- yungs better desert temples fabric
- yungs better dungeons fabric
- yungs better mineshafts fabric
- yungs better ocean monuments fabric
- yungs better strongholds fabric
- yungs better witch huts fabric
- yungs bridges fabric
- yungs extras fabric
- zenith
- zenith attributes
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.3 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- additional additions
- additional structures fabric
- advanced netherite fabric
- advancement plaques fabric
- adventurez
- aftershock
- appleskin
- architectury api
- archon
- artifacts
- autotag
- awesome dungeon fabric
- azurelib
- backslot
- backslotaddon
- badpackets
- bag of holding forge
- balm fabric
- bclib
- better advancements
- better combat by daedelus
- betterend
- betternether
- better third person
- bewitchment
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- bits and chisels
- blur fabric
- bookshelf
- bosses of mass destruction
- botania fabric
- botarium
- bountiful fabric
- cardinal components api
- carrier
- charm of undying
- charmonium
- cha s
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- clickable advancements
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- combat roll
- comforts
- controlling
- corgilib
- cosmetic armor fabric
- craftable chainmail armor
- craftpresence
- creativecore
- creeper overhaul
- cupboard
- dark loading screen
- deeperdarker
- defaultsettings fabric
- dehydration
- diagonal fences
- dimensionaldoors
- dusk
- ecologics
- eldritch mobs
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchantment descriptions
- enchantment lore
- enhancedvisuals
- entityculling
- environmentz
- equipment compare fabric
- expert armor
- extra origins
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabric rings of ascension
- fabric seasons
- fabric seasons terralith compat
- fabric waystones
- fakerlib
- falling leaves fabric
- farmers delight fabric
- female gender
- ferritecore fabric
- first person model
- forge config api port fabric
- framework fabric
- friends and foes
- geckolib
- giant spawn
- goblintraders fabric
- guard villagers fabric
- hardcore revival fabric
- heartbond
- herdspanic
- iceberg fabric
- incendium
- indium
- inventory sorting
- irisshaders
- iron chests for fabric
- item borders fabric
- itemphysic lite
- item scroller
- jcplugin
- kambrik
- legendary tooltips fabric
- levelz
- libra an origins addon
- library ferret fabric
- libz
- light overlay
- logical zoom
- loot integrations
- macaws bridges
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws roofs
- magnum torch forge
- malilib
- mcda
- mcdar
- mcdw
- merchant markers fabric
- midnightcontrols
- midnightlib
- more villagers fabric
- mouse tweaks
- myloot
- mythic mounts
- nether portal spread
- not enough animations
- npc variety port
- nyctophobia fabric
- origins
- owo lib
- pandas extra details
- pandas falling trees
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- physics mod
- playeranimator
- prism fabric
- productive villagers
- puzzles lib
- random mob effects
- reds more structures
- regrowth
- repurposed structures fabric
- resourceful config
- respawnable pets
- roughly enough items
- rpgdifficulty
- satin api
- searchables
- selene
- simple voice chat
- simply swords
- sit fabric
- skin layers 3d
- smartbrainlib
- sodium
- sound physics remastered
- spoorn armorattributes
- spoornpacks
- spoorn weapon attributes
- structory
- styled nicknames
- stylish effects
- supplementaries
- terrablender fabric
- terralith
- the graveyard fabric
- things fabric
- tiny skeletons forge
- tips
- tool stats
- toomanyorigins
- towers of the wild additions
- trading post
- trashslot fabric edition
- travelers titles fabric
- trinkets
- tumbleweed
- twigs
- village spawn point
- visual overhaul
- visual workbench
- voidtotem fabric
- voidz
- wandering collector
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wthit
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map
- yungs api fabric
- yungs better desert temples fabric
- yungs better dungeons fabric
- yungs better mineshafts fabric
- yungs better ocean monuments fabric
- yungs better strongholds fabric
- yungs better witch huts fabric
- yungs bridges fabric
- yungs extras fabric
- zenith
- zenith attributes
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.2 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- additional additions
- additional structures fabric
- advanced netherite fabric
- advancement plaques fabric
- adventurez
- aftershock
- appleskin
- architectury api
- archon
- artifacts
- autotag
- awesome dungeon fabric
- azurelib
- backslot
- backslotaddon
- badpackets
- bag of holding forge
- balm fabric
- bclib
- better advancements
- better combat by daedelus
- betterend
- betternether
- better third person
- bewitchment
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- bits and chisels
- blur fabric
- bookshelf
- bosses of mass destruction
- botarium
- bountiful fabric
- cardinal components api
- carrier
- charm of undying
- cha s
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- clickable advancements
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- combat roll
- comforts
- controlling
- corgilib
- cosmetic armor fabric
- craftable chainmail armor
- craftpresence
- creativecore
- creeper overhaul
- cupboard
- dark loading screen
- deeperdarker
- defaultsettings fabric
- dehydration
- diagonal fences
- dusk
- easy magic
- eldritch mobs
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchantment descriptions
- enchantment lore
- enhancedvisuals
- environmentz
- equipment compare fabric
- expert armor
- extra origins
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabric seasons
- fabric seasons terralith compat
- fabric waystones
- falling leaves fabric
- farmers delight fabric
- female gender fabric
- ferritecore fabric
- first person model
- forge config api port fabric
- framework fabric
- friends and foes
- geckolib
- giant spawn
- goblintraders fabric
- guard villagers fabric
- hardcore revival fabric
- heartbond
- herdspanic
- iceberg fabric
- incendium
- indium
- inventory sorting
- iron chests for fabric
- item borders fabric
- itemphysic lite
- item scroller
- jcplugin
- kambrik
- legendary tooltips fabric
- levelz
- library ferret fabric
- libz
- light overlay
- logical zoom
- loot integrations
- macaws bridges
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws roofs
- magnum torch forge
- malilib
- mcda
- mcdar
- mcdw
- merchant markers fabric
- midnightcontrols
- midnightlib
- mouse tweaks
- myloot
- mythic mounts
- nether portal spread
- not enough animations
- npc variety port
- nyctophobia fabric
- origins
- owo lib
- pandas falling trees
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- physics mod
- playeranimator
- prism fabric
- productive villagers
- puzzles lib
- random mob effects
- reds more structures
- regrowth
- repurposed structures fabric
- resourceful config
- respawnable pets
- roughly enough items
- rpgdifficulty
- satin api
- searchables
- selene
- simple voice chat
- simply swords
- sit fabric
- skin layers 3d
- smartbrainlib
- sodium
- sound physics remastered
- spoorn armorattributes
- spoornpacks
- spoorn weapon attributes
- structory
- styled nicknames
- stylish effects
- supplementaries
- terrablender fabric
- terralith
- the graveyard fabric
- things fabric
- tiny skeletons forge
- tips
- tool stats
- toomanyorigins
- towers of the wild additions
- trading post
- trashslot fabric edition
- travelers titles fabric
- trinkets
- twigs
- village spawn point
- visual overhaul
- visual workbench
- voidtotem fabric
- voidz
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wthit
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map
- yungs api fabric
- yungs better desert temples fabric
- yungs better dungeons fabric
- yungs better mineshafts fabric
- yungs better ocean monuments fabric
- yungs better strongholds fabric
- yungs better witch huts fabric
- yungs bridges fabric
- yungs extras fabric
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- additional additions
- additional structures fabric
- advanced netherite fabric
- advancement plaques fabric
- adventurez
- appleskin
- architectury api
- archon
- awesome dungeon fabric
- backslot
- backslotaddon
- badpackets
- bag of holding forge
- balm fabric
- bclib
- better advancements
- better combat by daedelus
- betterend
- betternether
- better third person
- bewitchment
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- bits and chisels
- blur fabric
- bookshelf
- bosses of mass destruction
- botarium
- bountiful fabric
- cardinal components
- carrier
- charm of undying
- cha s
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- clickable advancements
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- combat roll
- comforts
- controlling
- corgilib
- cosmetic armor fabric
- craftpresence
- creativecore
- creeper overhaul
- cupboard
- dark loading screen
- defaultsettings fabric
- dehydration
- diagonal fences
- dusk
- easy magic
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchantment descriptions
- enchantment lore
- enhancedvisuals
- equipment compare fabric
- extra origins
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabric seasons
- fabric seasons terralith compat
- fabric waystones
- falling leaves fabric
- farmers delight fabric
- female gender fabric
- ferritecore fabric
- first person model
- forge config api port fabric
- friends and foes
- geckolib
- giant spawn
- guard villagers fabric
- hardcore revival fabric
- heartbond
- herdspanic
- iceberg fabric
- incendium
- indium
- inventory sorting
- irisshaders
- iron chests for fabric
- item borders fabric
- itemphysic lite
- item scroller
- jcplugin
- kambrik
- legendary tooltips fabric
- levelz
- library ferret fabric
- libz
- light overlay
- logical zoom
- loot integrations
- macaws bridges
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- magnum torch forge
- malilib
- mcda
- mcdar
- mcdw
- midnightcontrols
- midnightlib
- mouse tweaks
- myloot
- mythic mounts
- nether portal spread
- not enough animations
- npc variety port
- nyctophobia fabric
- origins
- owo lib
- pandas falling trees
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- physics mod
- playeranimator
- prism fabric
- productive villagers
- puzzles lib
- random mob effects
- regrowth
- repurposed structures fabric
- resourceful config
- respawnable pets
- roughly enough items
- rpgdifficulty
- satin api
- searchables
- selene
- simple voice chat
- simply swords
- sit fabric
- skin layers 3d
- sound physics remastered
- spoorn armorattributes
- spoornpacks
- spoorn weapon attributes
- structory
- styled nicknames
- stylish effects
- supplementaries
- terrablender fabric
- terralith
- the graveyard fabric
- things fabric
- tiny skeletons forge
- tips
- tool stats
- toomanyorigins
- towers of the wild additions
- trading post
- trashslot fabric edition
- trinkets
- twigs
- village spawn point
- visual overhaul
- visual workbench
- voidtotem fabric
- voidz
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wthit
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map