Городское строительство более 50 тысяч блоков, ядерные реакторы, космические корабли, самолеты, поезда, автомобили и грузовики.
Скриншоты модов из сборки (можно кликать!):
Список модов из сборки:
- ToolBelt
- PlayerPlates(Forge)
- DynamicLights
- CameraMod
- LavaMonsters
- ClothConfigAPI(Forge)
- StorageRacks
- NotEnoughCrashes(Forge)
- LightingWand
- Exline'sFurnitureMod
- OAuth
- Ding
- ExtremeReactors
- DeathCounter
- NinjaPhenix'sContainerLibrary
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- Micle'sLoginProtection
- CustomFoV(Forge)
- LetSleepingDogsLie
- PassthroughSigns
- UnbreakableSpawner
- HandOverYourItems(Forge)
- SuperMulti-Drills
- DomumOrnamentum
- CleanView
- ExtraArmor
- Clickableadvancements
- BagofYurting
- Citadel
- WirelessChargers
- Controlling
- CorailTombstone
- ItemCollectors
- TrashCans
- CorailWoodcutter
- MultiBeds
- BlockUI
- TinyRedstone
- RusticRegenerated
- ShetiPhianCore
- Macaw'sPaintings
- Silent'sGems
- Wormhole(Portals)
- BiomesO'Plenty
- PreciseBlockPlacing
- DiverseFoodMod
- MedievalMusic
- Traveller'sBoots
- JustEnoughItems(JEI)
- TerrariaPaintings[Forge]
- BorderlessWindow
- DoubleDoors(Forge)
- ComicsBubblesChat
- In-GameAccountSwitcher
- ProductiveBees
- EnergyControl
- CorailPillar
- TravelBag
- Nature'sCompass
- EnderTanks
- Buddycards
- Customfencesandwalls
- SimpleStorageNetwork
- Benched
- Macaw'sFencesandWalls
- LightOverlay(Rift/Forge/Fabric)
- Pipez
- SecretRoomsMod
- VillageBellRecipe(Forge)
- SuperMartijn642'sConfigLib
- JustEnoughResources(JER)
- EnergyMeter
- SoundDeviceOptions
- CosmeticArmorReworked
- Structurize
- [Forge]ExpandedStorage
- SuggestionProviderFix
- EnderChests
- AssortedTech
- CC:Tweaked
- CuriosAPI(Forge)
- DataPackAnvil
- ZombieHorseSpawn(Forge)
- Macaw'sWindows
- WorldPreGenerator
- Tesseract
- ScaffoldingDropsNearby(Forge)
- DurabilityTooltip
- Multi-Piston
- GeckoLib
- Exline'sAwnings
- SpiceofLife:CarrotEdition
- SilentLib(silentlib)
- DisplayCase
- VoidTotem
- OpenBlocksElevator
- Jousting
- OmegaMute(Forge)
- Bookshelf
- Hyperion
- MajruszLibrary
- PartyParrots
- GoblinTraders
- GoProne
- CaelusAPI(Forge)
- Iceberg
- MrCrayfish'sFurnitureMod
- Torchmaster
- MemoryUsageScreen[Forge/Fabric]
- Paintings++
- AutoFeederHelmet[FORGE]
- Statues
- AntiGhost
- MahouTsukai
- AdditionalLights
- AwesomeDungeon-Forge
- Bigger-Caves
- Starlight(Forge)
- CastleintheSky
- ReapMod
- PackMenu
- Majrusz'sAccessories
- Collective(Forge)
- DefaultSettings
- Jade
- spark
- ConstructionWand
- ChunkAnimator
- StupidHorseStandStill
- Prefab
- AppleSkin
- BetterTitleScreen
- ArchitecturyAPI(Forge)
- ModNameTooltip
- DoctorWho-WeepingAngels(Forge)
- WirelessRedstoneRE
- Macaw'sLightsandLamps
- ElementalCraft
- Farsight
- SuperMartijn642'sCoreLib
- BetterFoliageRenewed
- FastLeafDecay
- DynamicView
- FixExperienceBug(nowwithFABRICandFORGEversions)
- MineColonies
- StarterKit(Forge)
- Dusk
- MouseTweaks
- FirstJoinMessage(Forge)
- Nekoration
- Clumps
- Beenfo
- Scannable
- RandomiteClassic
- SimpleMagnets
- TokenEnchanter
- SimplyLight
- NoPhantomNoCry
- Alex'sMobs
- BadWitherNoCookie-Reloaded
- Chisels&Bits
- AutoRestart
- JourneyMap
- BuildGuide(Forge+Fabric)
- TrampleStopper
- EquipmentCompare
- Croptopia[FABRIC/FORGE]
- SilentGear
- DungeonCrawl
- Placebo
- Macaw'sTrapdoors
- Comforts(Forge)
- DungeonsMod
- Tom'sSimpleStorageMod
- ZeroCore2
- SkeletonHorseSpawn(Forge)
- StackingDimensionalRifts
- PackedUp(Backpacks)
- BetterAdvancements
- MyServerIsCompatible
- Macaw'sDoors
- Engineer'sDecor
- VillageSpawnPoint(Forge)
- ConnectedGlass
Как установить TownCraft на Майнкрафт:
- Скачайте и установите CurseForge. Запустите лаунчер напрямую или через Overwolf.
- Зайдите в раздел Minecraft. Потом в раздел Просмотр сборок (Browse modpack). Выберите нужную версию Майнкрафта [1.17.1] или [1.16.5] или [1.12.2] в списке Версий (All Game Versions)
- Вбейте в поиск TownCraftи выберите сборку в списке внизу и нажмите Установка (Install). Дождитесь пока не появится кнопка Играть (play).
- Ваша сборка всегда будет видна в разделе Minecraft. Нажмите там play. Откроется ванильный лаунчер Майнкрафт.
- Если нужно залогинтесь через Моджанг или Майкрософт аккаунт и нажмите играть.
- Подробнее
Видео по установке 2021
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- ad astra
- additional lights
- advanced mining dimension
- alexs mobs
- ambientsounds
- angel block renewed
- appleskin
- applied energistics 2
- aquaculture
- architectury api
- areas
- armor poser
- ars nouveau
- async locator
- ato
- atomicstrykers infernal mobs
- attributefix
- audio extension for fancymenu forge
- automobility
- auudio forge
- bad wither no cookie reloaded
- balm
- benched
- better fps render distance
- better village forge
- bf end cities
- bigger sponge absorption radius
- biomes o plenty
- blockui
- blueys thingamajigs
- bookshelf
- botarium
- bow infinity fix
- brutal bosses dungeon
- build guide
- bygone nether
- camera mod
- carpeted stairs
- cat_jam
- catalogue
- cc tweaked
- charm of undying
- chimes
- chocobo knights of the crafting table
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- chunk sending forge fabric
- citadel
- client tweaks
- cloth config
- collective
- colossal giants
- comforts
- compressium
- connected glass
- connectivity
- controlling
- cooking for blockheads
- corgilib
- cosmetic armor reworked
- crafting tweaks
- creativecore
- cristel lib
- croptopia
- cupboard
- curios
- curious armor stands
- cycle paintings
- daily rewards
- dark paintings
- deep resonance
- default options
- diagonal fences
- displaycase
- domestication innovation
- domum ornamentum
- dramatic doors
- drg flares forge
- dungeon and taverns
- dungeon crawl
- durability tooltip
- dusk
- dustrial decor
- dynamic crosshair
- dynamic view
- easy npc
- eccentric tome
- enchantment descriptions
- ender chested
- enderchests
- ender io
- endertanks
- endremastered
- enhanced celestials
- entityculling
- epic samurais
- exchangers
- extreme reactors
- extreme sound muffler
- fancymenu forge
- farsight
- fast portals
- ferritecore
- fish on the line
- fix experience bug
- fix gpu memory leak
- flib
- flickerfix
- forge creeper heal unofficial
- forgeendertech
- fps reducer
- fullstack watchdog
- geckolib
- giant spawn
- gunpowderlib
- hand over your items
- hang glider
- heyberryshutup
- hidden recipe book
- horse statistics
- housing joint
- iceberg
- illagers wear armor
- immersive aircraft
- incendium
- in control
- insanelib
- inventory essentials
- inventory sorter
- inventory totem
- item collectors
- jade
- jade addons
- jcplugin
- jei
- journeymap
- jumpy boats
- just enough professions jep
- just enough resources jer
- kiwi
- kobolds
- konkrete
- labels
- lapis reserve
- large ore deposits
- laser bridges doors
- leaky
- leaves be gone
- let sleeping dogs lie
- library ferret forge
- littletiles
- log begone
- login protection
- loot integrations
- lootr
- lost souls
- luggage
- macaws bridges
- macaws bridges biome o plenty
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws fences biomes o plenty
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws paintings
- macaws paths and pavings
- macaws roofs
- macaws roofs biomes o plenty
- macaws trapdoors
- majrusz library
- majruszs accessories
- manyideas christmas
- manyideas core
- manyideas doors
- manyideas halloween
- mcjtylib
- measurements
- medieval paintings
- minecolonies
- mmmmmmmmmmmm
- modonomicon
- more mob variants
- more overlays updated
- mouse tweaks
- mowlib
- mrcrayfish furniture mod
- multibeds
- multi piston
- my personal apartment
- my server is compatible
- natures compass
- neruina
- netherportalfix
- nexus battle mode
- nightlights
- nosiphus furniture mod
- not enough crashes forge
- ob aquamirae
- obscure api
- openblocks elevator
- openblocks trophies
- open loader
- overworld mirror
- packed up backpacks
- patchouli
- permanent sponges
- pet names
- platforms
- playerrevive
- polymorph
- portable tanks
- productivebees
- progressive bosses
- project mmo
- puzzles lib
- raided
- random village names
- ranged wireless redstone
- recipes library
- regions unexplored
- resourceful config
- resourceful lib
- rftools base
- rftools power
- savage ender dragon
- sbm charcoal block
- scaffolding drops nearby
- searchables
- selene
- servercore
- server tab info
- shetiphiancore
- show fps on screen
- signtastic
- silent gear
- silent lib
- silents gems
- simple magnets
- simple planes
- simple tomb
- simply houses
- simply light
- small ships
- smooth chunk save
- snow real magic
- sooty chimneys
- sophisticated backpacks
- sophisticated core
- sophisticated storage
- spark
- speedometer and more
- spice of life apple pie edition
- starlight forge
- starter kit
- structure essentials forge fabric
- structurize
- stupid horse stand still
- stylecolonies
- supermartijn642s config lib
- supermartijn642s core lib
- supplementaries
- supplementaries squared
- taxoceanvillager
- tectonic
- terrablender
- terracart reloaded
- terralith
- tesseract
- the lost cities
- the pure suffering mod
- the twilight forest
- tips
- toms storage
- tool belt
- tool stats
- torch bandolier
- torchmaster
- towns and towers
- trample stopper
- trash cans
- trashslot
- travelers backpack
- trenzalore
- twilight forest the lost blocks
- ultimate car mod
- ultimate plane mod
- updating world icon
- u team core
- vanishmod
- villager names
- village spawn point
- voluminous energy
- wiles collection
- wireless chargers
- worldgen
- world pre generator
- xnet
- xtones reworked
- zerocore