Hard/Expert Modpack, созданный командой разработчиков BedrockLegends
Скриншоты модов из сборки (можно кликать!):
- NoHostilesAroundCampfire(Forge)
- Botania
- Compressium
- LavaMonsters
- CuriousArmorStands
- Waystones
- ClothConfigAPI(Fabric/Forge)
- ServerConfigUpdater
- NoRecipeAdvancements
- OAuth
- ReliquaryReincarnations
- ConvenientCuriosContainer
- Ding
- TheUndergarden
- Balm(ForgeEdition)
- ExtremeReactors
EmbellishedStone(AdvancementPlaques) - SophisticatedBackpacks
- DiagonalFences
- JumpOverFences
- EnigmaticGraves
- ClientTweaks
- Polymorph(Forge)
- ModularRouters
- Apotheosis
- ValhelsiaStructures
- Chipped
- FTBQuests(Forge)
- WitherSkeletonTweaks
STONEBORN-Dwarven-FantasyInspiredUIOverhaul - Gobber[FORGE]
- FTBLibrary(Forge)
- Pam’sHarvestCraft2-FoodExtended
- FTBTeams(Forge)
- SushiGoCrafting
- PassthroughSigns
- Libnonymous
- ATO-AlltheOres
- DomumOrnamentum
- StructureGelAPI
- MoreDragonEggs
- AttributeFix
- Clickableadvancements[Forge/Fabric]
- CommonCapabilities
- AwesomeDungeonTheEndedition-Forge
- AutoRegLib
- MCDoom
- BlueSkies
- IndustrialAgriculture
- ProgressiveBosses
- KubeJS
- MythicBotany
- MoreVillagers
- WhenDungeonsArise-Forge!
- DrippyLoadingScreen[Forge]
- FastFurnace
- Macaw’sRoofs
- Citadel
- DeLogger
- BotanicalMachinery
- Blueprint
- EnchantmentDescriptions
- FancyMenu[Forge]
- InventoryEssentials
- Macaw’sFences-BiomesO’Plenty
- ExtraStorage
- TrashCans
- MultiBeds
- Occultism
- BlockUI
- EnchantWithMob
- BisectHostingServerIntegrationMenu[FORGE]
- PrettyBeaches
- Cyclic
- ShetiPhianCore
- ServerTabInfo
- Macaw’sPaintings
- ItemFilters
- CookingforBlockheads
- FlickerFix
- Wormhole(Portals)
- BiomesO’Plenty
- Titanium
- Notes
- ValhelsiaCore
- JustEnoughItems(JEI)
RepurposedStructures-MoreVillagersCompatDatapack - Druidcraft
- ExtendedCrafting
- FerriteCore(Forge)
- ToastControl
- RapidLeafDecay
- SpeedyLadders
- Explorer’sCompass
- EntityCullingFabric/Forge
- DecorativeBlocksCompat
- RFToolsBuilder
- GreaterEyeofEnder[FORGE]
- AwesomeDungeonNetheredition-Forge
- SereneSeasons
- Extremesoundmuffler(Forge)
- CompatO’Plenty
- LibX
- Konkrete[Forge]
- PneumaticCraft:Repressurized
- AkashicTome
- Snow!RealMagic!⛄(Forge)
- RFToolsStorage
- FastSuite
- ExpandAbility
- AppliedEnergistics2
- FindMe
- Tumbleweed
- Nature’sCompass
- EnderTanks
- SimpleStorageNetwork
- CyclopsCore
- Macaw’sFencesandWalls
- FramedBlocks
- LegendaryTooltips
- InsaneLib
- LightOverlay(Rift/Forge/Fabric)
- ForbiddenandArcanus
- Neat
- MysticalAgradditions
- JourneyMapIntegration
- Timeinabottlestandalone
- SuperMartijn642’sConfigLib
- JustEnoughResources(JER)
- NastyMobs
- Mekanism
- Lootr(Forge)
- MekanismGenerators
- CuriousElytra(Forge)
- Flywheel
- Re-chiseled
- CosmeticArmorReworked
- Structurize
- JustEnoughKeys[JEK][Forge]
- EnderChests
- Hunterillager
- ArmorPoser
- CC:Tweaked
- CuriosAPI(Forge)
- IAP[Gobber]
- AdvancementPlaques
- GuardVillagers
- BetterThirdPerson
- Macaw’sWindows
- FarmingforBlockheads
- MeetYourFight
- RFToolsControl
- Entangled
- AdvancedPeripherals
- GlobalXP
- Nature’sAura
- BetterBiomeBlend
- Multi-Piston
- GeckoLib
- Pam’sHarvestCraft2-FoodCore
- Macaw’sBridges-BiomeO’Plenty
- ShutupExperimentalSettings!
- TheOneProbe
- JustEnoughEffectDescriptions(JEED)
- CarryOn
- FunctionalStorage
- SpiceofLife:CarrotEdition
- SaveYourPets
- InventorySpam
- RefinedStorage:Requestify
RepurposedStructures-PneumaticCraft:RepressurizedCompatDatapack - Catalogue
- LazyDataFixerUpper(LazyDFU)[FORGE]
- BrutalBosses-DungeonBosses
- DecorativeBlocks
- KleeSlabs
- OpenBlocksElevator
- Plonk
- Better-Shields
- SpeedyHoppers
- ConnectedTexturesMod
- RangedPumps
- PuzzlesLib[Forge]
- BetterF3
- XNet
- NaturallyChargedCreepers(Forge)
- Bookshelf
- KubeJSImmersiveEngineering
- TradingPost[Forge]
- RFToolsUtility
- Morph-o-Tool
- CulinaryConstruct
- GoblinTraders
- ToolStats
- GaugesandSwitches
- SeleneLib
- FireSpreadTweaks(Forge)
- Ping
- RefinedStorage
- CaelusAPI(Forge)
- FastWorkbench
- VillagerNames(Forge)
- ActuallyCompatible
- Iceberg
- MrCrayfish’sFurnitureMod
- FeatureNBTDeadlockBeGone
- Torchmaster
- Artifacts
- Patchouli
- FallingLeaves(Forge)
- Configured
- GunsWithoutRoses
- MoreCraftingTablesforForge!
- AmbientSounds5
- Quark
- ImmersiveEngineering
- CraftingTweaks
- DoggyTalents
- ArsElemental
- Starlight(Forge)
- CastleintheSky
- ExtraDisks
- ConnectibleChains[FORGE]
- StackRefill(Forge)
- SimpleDiscordRPC[Forge/Fabric]
- CurioofUndying(Forge)
- MaxHealthFix
- McJtyLib
- FTBUltimine(Forge)
- CuriousShulkerBoxes(Forge)
- Rhino
- HostileNeuralNetworks
- IronJetpacks
- Collective(Forge)
- spark
- ConstructionWand
- RepurposedStructures(Forge)
- Create
- MysticalAgricultureTieredCrystals
- Shrink.
- Prefab
- AppleSkin
- PigPenCipher
- CompactMachines
- CyclePaintings(Forge)
- ArchitecturyAPI(Forge)
- ModNameTooltip
- Aquaculture2
- TipTheScales
- Trofers
- Macaw’sLightsandLamps
- BetterFps-RenderDistance[Forge]
- ServerUtilities
- Glassential
- BetterAnimalsPlus
- DarkPaintings
- BonsaiTrees3
- IronFurnaces[FORGE]
- Farsight[Forge]
- LoginProtection[Forge/Fabric]
- SuperMartijn642’sCoreLib
- BetterWithMinecolonies[Forge]
- RefinedStorageAddons
- DynamicView[Forge/Fabric]
- FixExperienceBug(nowwithFABRICandFORGEversions)
- MineColonies
- MouseTweaks
- EyesintheDarkness
- MysticalAgriculture
- CucumberLibrary
- CreativeCore
- RFToolsPower
- CreateCrafts&Additions
- DefaultOptions
- DarkUtilities
- Clumps
- IronCoals
- JERIntegration
- Kiwi (Forge)
- ArsNouveau
- TerraBlender(Forge)
- Macaw’sRoofs-BiomesO’Plenty
- CrashUtilities
- SnowUnderTrees
- FlatBedrock
- SimplyLight
- Alex’sMobs
- Macaw’sFurniture
- Macaw’sBridges
- BadWitherNoCookie-Reloaded
- Chisels&Bits-ForForge
- RFToolsBase
- JourneyMap
- CreateStuffAdditions
- JustEnoughProfessions(JEP)
- NetherPortalFix
- TrashSlot
- StrongerFarmland
- MiningGadgets
- NotEnoughWands
- Supplementaries
- EquipmentCompare
- FTBChunks(Forge)
- LootBagMod
- LibraryFerret-Forge
- DungeonCrawl
- Placebo
- AIOTBotania
- Macaw’sTrapdoors
- SpeedBuilding-Scaffoldingbehavior
- CreateDeco
- Comforts(Forge)
- Connectivity[Forge/Fabric]
- Paragliders
STONEBORN-Dwarven-FantasyInspiredGearOverhaul - TravelAnchors
- ZeroCore2
- BuildingGadgets
- LavaClearView(Forge)
- Runelic
- EnigmaticLegacy
- BetterAdvancements
- Champions
- Macaw’sDoors
- Engineer’sDecor
- ToroHealthDamageIndicators
- ArsArsenal
- ConnectedGlass
Как установить Monumental Experience на Майнкрафт:
- Скачайте и установите CurseForge. Запустите лаунчер напрямую или через Overwolf.
- Зайдите в раздел Minecraft. Потом в раздел Просмотр сборок (Browse modpack). Выберите нужную версию Майнкрафта Minecraft 1.18 или [1.16.5] в списке Версий (All Game Versions)
- Вбейте в поиск Monumental Experienceи выберите сборку в списке внизу и нажмите Установка (Install). Дождитесь пока не появится кнопка Играть (play).
- Ваша сборка всегда будет видна в разделе Minecraft. Нажмите там play. Откроется ванильный лаунчер Майнкрафт.
- Если нужно залогинтесь через Моджанг или Майкрософт аккаунт и нажмите играть.
- Подробнее
Видео по установке 2021
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.4 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- achievements optimizer
- ad astra
- ad astra giselle addon
- additional additions forge
- additional banners
- additional lanterns
- additional lights
- additional structures
- advanced backups
- advanced peripherals
- advancement plaques
- aeinfinitybooster
- ai improvements
- aiot botania
- all the compatibility
- almost unified
- alternate current
- ambientsounds
- angel ring
- apotheosis
- apotheotic additions
- apothic attributes
- appleskin
- applied botanics addon
- applied cooking
- applied energistics 2
- applied mekanistics
- aquaculture
- architectury api
- armor poser
- ars creo
- ars elemental
- ars energistique
- ars instrumentum
- ars nouveau
- ars ocultas
- artifacts
- ash api
- athena
- ato
- attributefix
- auto feeder helmet
- awesome dungeon nether forge
- awesome dungeon the end forge
- azurelib
- bad wither no cookie reloaded
- bagus lib
- balm
- bamboo everything
- bartering station
- bed benefits
- bedrockores
- better advancements
- better burning
- better chunk loading forge fabric
- better compatibility checker
- better fog
- better fps render distance
- better jukeboxes
- better mods button
- better third person
- better village forge
- better with minecolonies
- biomes o plenty
- bisecthosting server integration menu forge
- blockui
- blood magic
- blueflame
- blue skies
- boat break fix
- bookshelf
- botania
- botany pots
- botany pots tiers
- botany trees
- botarium
- bountiful
- brutal bosses dungeon
- building gadgets
- caelus
- canary
- carry on
- castle in the sky the fairytale of laputa
- catalogue
- caupona
- cccbridge
- cc tweaked
- chalk
- chance cubes
- charging gadgets
- charm of undying
- chat heads
- chefs delight forge
- chimes
- chipped
- chisels bits
- chunk sending forge fabric
- chunky pregenerator forge
- clean swing through grass
- clear despawn
- client crafting
- client tweaks
- climb ladders fast
- cloth config
- clumps
- cofh core
- collective
- comforts
- common capabilities
- completionists index
- compressedcreativity
- compressium
- connected glass
- connectivity
- construction wand
- controlling
- convenient curios container
- cooking for blockheads
- corail tombstone
- corgilib
- corn delight
- cosmetic armor reworked
- crabbers delight
- crafting tweaks
- crash utilities
- craterlib
- create
- createaddition
- create central kitchen
- create chromaticreturn
- create chunkloading
- create deco
- create editions
- create stuff additions
- creativecore
- creeper overhaul
- croptopia
- croptopia delight
- cucumber
- culinary construct
- cupboard
- curios
- curious armor stands
- custom portal api reforged
- cycle paintings
- cyclic
- cyclops core
- dangerousstonecutter
- dark paintings
- dark utilities
- death knell
- decorative blocks
- deepslatecutting
- default options
- delightful
- desired servers
- diagonal fences
- diagonal walls
- diagonal windows
- dimensional paintings
- ding
- do api
- doggy talents next
- domum ornamentum
- dramatic doors
- drawers tooltip
- drippy loading screen
- dungeon crawl
- dungeons plus
- durability tooltip
- dynamic view
- earth mobs
- easy anvils
- easy magic
- easy mob farm
- easy shulker boxes
- eccentric tome
- echo chest
- edivadlib
- eidolon repraised
- elytra slot
- embeddium
- embeddiumplus
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchant with mob
- enderchests
- ender io
- enderman overhaul
- endertanks
- endremastered
- ends delight
- energymeter
- engineers delight
- enhanced celestials
- enigmatic legacy
- entangled
- entityculling
- epherolib
- equipment compare
- essentials
- experience obelisk
- explorers compass
- extended crafting
- extended mushrooms
- extra disks
- extrastorage
- extreme reactors
- extreme sound muffler
- eyes in the darkness
- fairy lights
- falling leaves forge
- fancy battleaxes
- fancymenu
- farmers delight
- farming for blockheads
- farsight
- fast paintings
- ferritecore
- festive delight
- findme
- fire spread tweaks
- fish of thieves
- fix experience bug
- fix gpu memory leak
- flat bedrock
- flib
- flickerfix
- flux networks
- forbidden arcanus
- forcecraft
- fps reducer
- framedblocks
- framed compacting drawers
- framework
- ftb chunks forge
- ftb essentials forge
- ftb library forge
- ftb quests forge
- ftb quests optimizer
- ftb ranks forge
- ftb teams forge
- ftb ultimine forge
- ftb xmod compat
- fuelgoeshere
- fusion connected textures
- gateways to eternity
- geckolib
- glassential renewed
- global xp
- gobber
- goblin traders
- gravelminer
- greater eye of ender forge
- guard villagers
- handcrafted
- hang glider
- horse expert
- huntersreturn
- iceberg
- illager invasion
- immediatelyfast
- immersive engineering
- incendium
- in control
- industrial foregoing
- insanelib
- inventory essentials
- inventory pets
- iron bows forge
- iron chests
- iron coals
- iron furnaces
- iron jetpacks
- item filters
- item production lib
- it takes a pillage
- jade
- jade addons
- jadecolonies
- jei
- journeymap
- journeymap integration
- jumbo furnace
- jump over fences forge
- just enough effect descriptions jeed
- just enough professions jep
- just enough resources jer
- just zoom forge
- kambrik
- kiwi
- kleeslabs
- kobolds
- konkrete
- kotlin for forge
- kubejs
- labels
- lava clear view
- leave my bars alone
- leaves be gone
- legendary tooltips
- let me despawn
- lets do bakery
- lets do beachparty
- lets do meadow
- lets do nethervinery
- library ferret forge
- libx
- little contraptions
- little logistics
- log begone
- login protection
- loot bundles
- loot integrations
- lootjs
- lootr
- macaws bridges
- macaws bridges biome o plenty
- macaws doors
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws fences biomes o plenty
- macaws furniture
- macaws furnitures biomes o plenty
- macaws holidays
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws paintings
- macaws paths and pavings
- macaws roofs
- macaws roofs biomes o plenty
- macaws trapdoors
- macaws windows
- material elements
- max health fix
- mcdoom
- mcjtylib
- measurements
- mekanism
- mekanism generators
- melody
- minecolonies
- miners delight plus
- mining gadgets
- mmmmmmmmmmmm
- mob compack
- mob lassos
- model gap fix
- modernfix
- moderns monumental recipe
- modonomicon
- modular routers
- monster plus
- more dragon eggs
- more mekanism processing
- more overlays updated
- more villagers
- more villager trades
- more wandering trades
- mouse tweaks
- mrcrayfish furniture mod
- multi piston
- mutant monsters
- mysterious mountain lib
- mystical agradditions
- mystical agriculture
- mystical agriculture tiered crystals
- mythicbotany
- nasty mobs
- naturalist
- naturally charged creepers
- natures aura
- natures compass
- necronomicon
- netherportalfix
- nethers delight
- new effect descriptions
- no chat reports
- nomowanderer
- no see no tick
- not enough animations
- not enough wands
- notes
- no villager death messages
- nullscape
- occultism
- oceans delight
- octo lib
- oculus
- openblocks elevator
- overflowing bars
- paintings
- paragliders
- passable foliage
- passive skill tree
- passthrough signs
- patchouli
- path under gates
- paxi
- physics mod
- pickle tweaks
- pick up notifier
- pig pen cipher
- pineapple delight
- ping
- placebo
- platforms
- plonk
- pneumaticcraft repressurized
- polymorph
- polymorphic energistics
- pretty beaches
- prism lib
- productivebees
- progressive bosses
- puzzles lib
- quark
- quickstack
- raided
- ranged pumps
- rebind narrator
- rechiseled
- rechiseled create
- recipe essentials forge fabric
- redirector
- redstone pen
- refined cooking
- refined polymorphism
- refined storage
- refined storage addons
- relics mod
- reliquary reincarnations
- repurposed structures
- resourceful config
- resourceful lib
- rftools base
- rftools builder
- rftools control
- rftools power
- rftools storage
- rftools utility
- rhino
- rsinfinitybooster
- rs requestify
- rubidium extra
- runelic
- saturn
- sawmill
- scannable
- scuba gear
- searchables
- sebastrnlib
- selene
- separated leaves
- serene seasons
- serializationisbad
- server tab info
- shetiphiancore
- shrink_
- shulker box slot
- simple discord rpc
- simply light
- skin layers 3d
- sky villages forge
- smartbrainlib
- smarter farmers farmers replant
- smooth boot reloaded
- smooth chunk save
- snow pig
- snow under trees
- snowy spirit
- sophisticated backpacks
- sophisticated core
- sophisticated storage
- spark
- spice of life carrot edition
- ssr
- stack refill
- starlight forge
- star wars planets ad astra
- storage drawers
- storage racks
- straw statues
- stronger farmland
- structure compass
- structure essentials forge fabric
- structure gel api
- structurize
- stylish effects
- suggestion provider fix
- supermartijn642s config lib
- supermartijn642s core lib
- supplementaries
- sushigocrafting
- terrablender
- terralith
- textrues embeddium options
- the bumblezone forge
- the conjurer
- the graveyard forge
- thermal cultivation
- thermal expansion
- thermal foundation
- thermal integration
- the twilight forest
- the undergarden
- time in a bottle forge
- tiny skeletons forge
- tips
- tipthescales
- titanium
- toast control
- tome of blood rebirth
- toms storage
- too fast
- tool belt
- tool stats
- torchmaster
- towers of the wild modded
- towntalk
- trading post
- transparent
- trash cans
- trashslot
- travelers titles
- twilights flavors delight
- undergarden delight
- valhelsia core
- villager names
- villagersplus forge
- vinery
- visual workbench
- waystones
- whats that slot
- when dungeons arise
- when dungeons arise seven seas
- wireless chargers
- wither skeleton tweaks
- wormhole portals
- xnet
- xnet gases
- yeetusexperimentus
- yungs api
- yungs better desert temples
- yungs better dungeons
- yungs better end island
- yungs better jungle temples
- yungs better mineshafts forge
- yungs better nether fortresses
- yungs better ocean monuments
- yungs better strongholds
- yungs better witch huts
- yungs bridges
- yungs extras
- zerocore
- zeta
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- ad astra
- ad astra giselle addon
- additional lanterns
- additional lights
- advanced peripherals
- advancement plaques
- aeinfinitybooster
- ai improvements
- alexs mobs
- all the compatibility
- almost unified
- appleskin
- applied energistics 2
- aquaculture
- architectury api
- armor poser
- ars nouveau
- artifacts
- ash api
- athena
- ato
- attributefix
- awesome dungeon edition ocean forge
- awesome dungeon forge
- awesome dungeon nether forge
- awesome dungeon the end forge
- azurelib
- bad wither no cookie reloaded
- bagus lib
- balm
- bamboo everything
- bartering station
- better advancements
- better compatibility checker
- better fps render distance
- better third person
- better tridents
- better village forge
- biomes o plenty
- bisecthosting server integration menu forge
- blockui
- bookshelf
- botarium
- bountiful
- caelus
- canary
- carry on
- catalogue
- cc tweaked
- charging gadgets
- charm of undying
- chat heads
- chipped
- chunk sending forge fabric
- chunky pregenerator forge
- citadel
- clear despawn
- client tweaks
- climb ladders fast
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- colytra
- comforts
- common capabilities
- completionists index
- compressium
- connected glass
- connectivity
- controlling
- convenient curios container
- cooking for blockheads
- corail woodcutter
- corgilib
- corn delight
- cosmetic armor reworked
- crafting tweaks
- crafttweaker
- crash utilities
- craterlib
- create
- creeper overhaul
- croptopia
- cucumber
- culinary construct
- curios
- curious armor stands
- cycle paintings
- cyclic
- cyclops core
- default options
- desired servers
- deuf duplicate entity uuid fix
- diagonal fences
- dimensional paintings
- ding
- doggy talents next
- domum ornamentum
- dramatic doors
- drippy loading screen
- dungeon crawl
- durability tooltip
- dynamic view
- easy anvils
- easy magic
- easy mob farm
- easy shulker boxes
- echo chest
- edivadlib
- elytra slot
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchant with mob
- enderchests
- ender io
- endertanks
- ender zoology
- endremastered
- enhanced celestials
- entangled
- entityculling
- equipment compare
- experience obelisk
- explorers compass
- extended bone meal
- extended crafting
- extra disks
- extrastorage
- extreme reactors
- eyes in the darkness
- falling leaves forge
- fancymenu forge
- farmers delight
- farming for blockheads
- farsight
- ferritecore
- findme
- fire spread tweaks
- fish of thieves
- fix experience bug
- fix gpu memory leak
- flat bedrock
- flickerfix
- fps reducer
- framedblocks
- ftb backups 2
- ftb chunks forge
- ftb essentials forge
- ftb library forge
- ftb ranks forge
- ftb teams forge
- ftb ultimine forge
- fusion connected textures
- geckolib
- global xp
- gravelminer
- guard villagers
- hang glider
- horse expert
- hunterillager
- iceberg
- illagers wear armor
- incendium
- insanelib
- inventory essentials
- inventory sorter
- iron bows forge
- iron chests
- iron furnaces
- iron jetpacks
- jade
- jadecolonies
- jei
- journeymap
- journeymap integration
- jump over fences forge
- just enough effect descriptions jeed
- just enough professions jep
- just enough resources jer
- kambrik
- kiwi
- kleeslabs
- konkrete
- kotlin for forge
- labels
- lava monsters
- leave my bars alone
- leaves be gone
- let me despawn
- library ferret forge
- libx
- light overlay
- log begone
- login protection
- loot bundles
- loot integrations
- lootr
- macaws bridges
- macaws bridges biome o plenty
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws fences biomes o plenty
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws paths and pavings
- macaws roofs
- macaws roofs biomes o plenty
- macaws trapdoors
- material elements
- mcdoom
- mcjtylib
- measurements
- minecolonies
- minecolonies for computercraft
- mining gadgets
- model gap fix
- modernfix
- moderns monumental recipe
- modonomicon
- modular routers
- mouse tweaks
- mrcrayfish furniture mod
- multi piston
- mutant monsters
- mysterious mountain lib
- mystical agradditions
- mystical agriculture
- mystical agriculture tiered crystals
- naturally charged creepers
- natures compass
- neat
- netherportalfix
- no chat reports
- not enough animations
- not enough wands
- notes
- nullscape
- occultism
- oculus
- openblocks elevator
- overflowing bars
- passable foliage
- patchouli
- physics mod
- pick up notifier
- ping
- pneumaticcraft repressurized
- polylib
- polymorph
- pretty beaches
- prism lib
- progressive bosses
- puzzles lib
- raided
- ranged pumps
- rechiseled
- redstone pen
- refined storage
- refined storage addons
- relics mod
- repurposed structures
- resourceful config
- resourceful lib
- rftools base
- rftools builder
- rftools control
- rftools power
- rftools storage
- rftools utility
- rrls
- rs requestify
- rubidium
- rubidium extra
- searchables
- security craft
- selene
- serene seasons
- server tab info
- shetiphiancore
- shulker box slot
- shulkerboxtooltip
- simple discord rpc
- simply light
- skin layers 3d
- sky villages forge
- smartbrainlib
- smooth chunk save
- snow under trees
- sophisticated backpacks
- sophisticated core
- sophisticated storage
- spark
- stack refill
- star wars planets ad astra
- structure compass
- structure essentials forge fabric
- structurize
- stylish effects
- supermartijn642s config lib
- supermartijn642s core lib
- supplementaries
- terrablender
- terralith
- textrues rubidium options
- the graveyard forge
- the one probe
- the twilight forest
- the undergarden
- tiny skeletons forge
- tipthescales
- titanium
- toms storage
- too fast
- tool belt
- torchmaster
- towers of the wild modded
- trading post
- transparent
- trash cans
- trashslot
- travel anchors
- tropicraft
- villager names
- visual workbench
- waystones
- whats that slot
- when dungeons arise
- wormhole portals
- xnet
- yeetusexperimentus
- zerocore