Fabric Exploration — это модпак, который позволит вам играть с множеством различных модификаций Fabric практически без каких-либо настроек или изменений.
Список модов из сборки на 1.18.2 (кликни для просмотра)
- YUNG’sAPI(Fabric)
- Bewitchment
- BarrenIsles[FABRIC]
- FlytreLib(FlytreLib)
- BCLib
- ToolStats
- Krypton
- NotesFabric
- MouseWheelie(Fabric)
- BackSlot
- MCDoom
- StaffofBuilding
- EntityBanners
- RecipeCache
- KibeUtilities
- ExtraAlchemy
- BetterF3
- Mo’Colors
- WitherSkeletonTotem
- NoPotionOffset(Fabric/Forge)
- Grim’sTransportables
- Lithium(Fabric)
- QuickShulker
- Mo’Structures(Fabric)
- RebornCore
- TheCorners
- SmootherBedrock
- EggTab-Fabric
- AutoConfigUpdatedAPI
- TextileBackup
- GolemsGalore
- spark
- RedBits
- Artifality
- ToroHealthDamageIndicators
- BetterBiomeBlend
- Crusade
- CraftingTweaks(FabricEdition)
- SnowUnderTrees(Fabric)
- DarkEnchanting
- Conjuring[Fabric/Forge]
- AdvancementsDebug
- BiomeLocator
- VanillaEnhanced
- Rat’sMischief
- RiverRedux
- oωo(owo-lib)
- WirelessNetworks
- CleanCut
- FPSReducer
- NoAngledBrackets
- ModMenu
- Pling
- DefaultSettingsFabric
- NoRecipeBook(Fabric)
- DankStorageFabric
- IndustrialRevolution
- FancyMenu[Fabric]
- Konkrete[Fabric]
- AuthMe
- LazyDFU
- DynamicFPS
- TechReborn
- InventorySorting
- ClothAPI(Fabric)
- FabricLanguageKotlin
- SomnusAPI
- DarkPaintings
- SimpleDiscordRPC[Forge/Fabric]
- Comforts(Fabric)
- TellMe
- MythicMounts
- Ecotones
- ThisRocks!
- LightOverlay(Rift/Forge/Fabric)
- NaturallyChargedCreepers(Fabric)
- AdvancementPlaques[Fabric]
- Rhino
- Chipped
- AdvancementsEnlarger
- BedBenefits[Fabric]
- Collective(Fabric)
- CherishedWorlds(Fabric)
- Incantationem
- Stoneholm,UndergroundVillages(Fabric)
- PlayerAbilityLib
- ConnectedTexturesModforFabric
- FabricAPI
- ControllingforFabric
- Charm
- StrawGolemReborn
- ArchitecturyAPI(Fabric)
- Promenade
- UniversalOres(Fabric)
- EssentialCommands
- MoGlass
- Xaero’sWorldMap
- Polymorph(Fabric)
- BetterEnd
- AppleTreesRevived[Forge&Fabric][1.12.x-1.17.1]
- BetterBedrockGenerator[Fabric]
- Blur(Fabric)
- Vanilla+Biomes
- EnchantmentDescriptions
- UniversalGraves
- FerriteCore(Fabric)
- VisualOverhaul
- GateofBabylon
- YUNG’sBetterDungeons(Fabric)
- Prefab-Fabric
- Balm(FabricEdition)
- CaveBiomes
- Carrier
- OkZoomer
- RepurposedStructures(Fabric)
- GetOffMyLawn
- DeepMobLearning:Refabricated
- Winged
- AppleSkin
- [Fabric]ExpandedStorage
- Blockus
- CraftableHorseArmour&Saddle[CHA&S]
- MoreVillagers[Fabric]
- [FABRIC]DisableCustomWorldsAdvice
- Lifts
- KubeJS(Fabric)
- megane
- Trinkets(Fabric)
- YUNG’sBetterMineshafts(Fabric)
- CardinalComponents
- NinjaPhenix’sContainerLibrary
- EntityCullingFabric/Forge
- BetterBeds
- RoughlyEnoughItemsFabric(REI)
- DeathLog
- RespawnablePets
- AttributeFix{FABRIC}
- Crawl(Fabric)
- Starlight(Fabric)
- Pehkui
- AdaptiveBrightness
- AppliedEnergistics2
- EldritchMobs
- AmbientEnvironment
- cAniMiNethISbLOCk?
- DiggusMaximus
- Near-Sightedly
- ModernIndustrialization
- ClothConfigAPI(Fabric)
- Waystones(FabricEdition)
- Runelic
- TrueSecretRooms
- Farmer’sDelight[Fabric]
- Croptopia[FABRIC/FORGE]
- PhysicsMod
- Illuminations
- Workings
- ToolTipFix
- CullLeaves
- Charmonium
- Clumps
- Adorn
- DawnAPI
- GeckoLib
- JumpOverFences
- Glassential(Fabric)
- DrippyLoadingScreen[Fabric]
- FabricEnchantments
- Impersonate
- Gobber[FABRIC]
- Xaero’sMinimap
- Packages
- KubeJSExtras
- ‘Slight’GuiModifications
- Explorer’sCompass
- Nature’sCompass
- YourOptionsShallBeRespected(YOSBR)
- Mo’Enchantments
- DimensionFix(SomeForgePatchesPorted)
- Lakeside
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- YUNG’sBetterStrongholds(Fabric)
- Bedspreads(Fabric)
- WolvesWithArmor
- Patchouli(Fabric)
- BackSlotAddon
Как установить Fabric Exploration на Майнкрафт:
- Скачайте и установите CurseForge. Запустите лаунчер напрямую или через Overwolf.
- Зайдите в раздел Minecraft. Потом в раздел Просмотр сборок (Browse modpack). Выберите нужную версию Майнкрафта [1.18.1] или [1.17.1] или [1.16.5] в списке Версий (All Game Versions)
- Вбейте в поиск Fabric Explorationи выберите сборку в списке внизу и нажмите Установка (Install). Дождитесь пока не появится кнопка Играть (play).
- Ваша сборка всегда будет видна в разделе Minecraft. Нажмите там play. Откроется ванильный лаунчер Майнкрафт.
- Если нужно залогинтесь через Моджанг или Майкрософт аккаунт и нажмите играть.
- Подробнее
Видео по установке 2021
Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)
- ad astra
- ad astra giselle addon
- additional banners
- additional lanterns
- advancement plaques fabric
- aftershock
- almost unified
- alternate current
- ambientsounds
- antighost
- appleskin
- applied energistics 2
- arcane lanterns
- architectury api
- armor poser
- armor statues
- arrp
- artifacts
- ash api
- athena
- attributefix
- auto config updated api
- awesome dungeon edition ocean fabric
- awesome dungeon fabric
- awesome dungeon nether fabric
- awesome dungeon the end fabric
- azurelib
- bad wither no cookie reloaded
- bag of holding forge
- balm fabric
- bamboo everything
- bartering station
- bed benefits
- better advancements
- better compatibility checker
- betterf3
- better fps render distance fabric
- better stats
- better third person
- better tridents
- better village fabric
- bewitchment
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- boat break fix
- bookshelf
- botany pots
- botany trees
- botarium
- bountiful fabric
- brewin and chewin fabric
- carry on
- catalogue fabric
- cc tweaked
- charm of undying
- chat heads
- chimes
- chipped
- chunk sending forge fabric
- chunky border
- chunky pregenerator
- clear despawn fabric
- client crafting
- client tweaks fabric
- climb ladders fast
- cloth config
- clumps
- collective
- colytra
- comforts
- compactstorage
- completionists index
- connected glass
- connectible chains
- connectivity
- controlling
- cooking for blockheads fabric
- corgilib
- crafting tweaks fabric
- craterlib
- create fabric
- creativecore
- creeper overhaul
- croptopia
- culinary construct
- cull leaves
- cultural delights fabric
- cupboard
- cycle paintings
- dark paintings
- dark utilities
- death knell
- decorative blocks fork
- deeperdarker
- default options fabric
- desired servers
- diagonal fences
- diagonal windows
- dramatic doors
- drippy loading screen fabric
- durability tooltip
- dynamic view fabric
- easy anvils
- easy magic
- easy shulker boxes
- echo chest
- elytra slot
- enchanting infuser forge
- enchantment descriptions
- enderchests fabric
- ender zoology
- endremastered fabric
- enhanced block entities
- enhanced celestials fabric
- entangled
- entityculling
- equipment compare fabric
- every compat
- explorers compass
- extreme sound muffler fabric official
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- falling leaves fabric
- fancymenu fabric
- farmers delight fabric
- farmers respite fabric
- farming for blockheads fabric
- farsight fabric
- ferritecore fabric
- festive delight
- findme
- fire spread tweaks
- fish of thieves
- fix experience bug
- fix gpu memory leak
- flat bedrock
- forge config api port fabric
- fps reducer
- framework fabric
- ftb backups 2
- ftb chunks fabric
- ftb essentials forge
- ftb library fabric
- ftb ranks fabric
- ftb teams fabric
- ftb ultimine fabric
- fusion connected textures
- geckolib
- glassential fabric
- global xp
- goblintraders fabric
- guard villagers fabric
- handcrafted
- hang glider
- horse expert
- iceberg fabric
- illager invasion
- immediatelyfast
- incendium
- inventory essentials fabric
- iron chests for fabric
- iron jetpacks fabric
- item filters
- item highlighter fabric
- jade
- jei
- journeymap
- journeymap integration
- jump over fences forge
- just enough effect descriptions jeed
- just enough professions jep
- just enough resources jer
- kambrik
- kiwi fabric
- kleeslabs fabric
- konkrete fabric
- labels
- landmines
- lazydfu
- leave my bars alone
- leaves be gone
- legendary tooltips fabric
- let me despawn
- library ferret fabric
- light overlay
- log begone
- login protection
- loot integrations
- lootr fabric
- macaws bridges
- macaws doors
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws paths and pavings
- macaws roofs
- macaws trapdoors
- max health fix
- mcdoom
- measurements
- menulogue
- mmmmmmmmmmmm
- mob lassos
- model gap fix
- modernfix
- mouse tweaks
- mutant monsters
- naturally charged creepers
- natures compass
- neat fabric quilt
- neruina
- netherportalfix fabric
- no chat reports
- no hostiles around campfire
- no night vision flickering
- no see no tick
- not enough animations
- notes
- nullscape
- oceans delight
- overflowing bars
- paintings
- passable foliage fabric
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- permanent sponges
- physics mod
- pick up notifier
- pig pen cipher
- plushie mod
- polylib
- polymorph
- prism fabric
- puzzles lib
- rebind narrator
- reborncore
- rechiseled
- repurposed structures fabric
- resourceful config
- resourceful lib
- respawning animals
- rrls
- runelic
- scannable
- searchables
- selene
- shetiphiancore fabric
- shulker box slot
- simple discord rpc
- simply light
- skin layers 3d
- sky villages fabric
- slight gui modifications
- small ships
- smartbrainlib
- smarter farmers farmers replant
- smooth chunk save
- snow real magic fabric
- snowy spirit
- spark
- stack refill
- star wars planets ad astra
- straw statues
- structure essentials forge fabric
- stylish effects
- supermartijn642s config lib
- supermartijn642s core lib
- supplementaries
- techreborn
- terralith
- the graveyard fabric
- tiny skeletons forge
- tips
- tipthescales
- toms storage fabric
- too fast
- tool stats
- trading post
- transparent
- trash cans
- trashslot fabric edition
- trinkets
- trofers
- twigs
- universal bone meal forge
- villager names
- villagersplus fabric
- visual workbench
- waystones fabric
- whats that slot
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wormhole portals
- yeetusexperimentus