Ролевая игра, вдохновленная DarkRPG на основе производительности
Скриншоты мода (кликабельны):
Пакет модов на основе Fabric!
С модами, вдохновленными RPG и производительностью
Почему это называется DarkRPG?
Хороший вопрос! Этот пакет обычно состоит из «темной» темы и его меню / игровых элементов, предназначенных для темной тематики. Кроме того, у нас есть множество модов для ролевых игр, чтобы дать вам типичный опыт ролевой игры. Вы даже можете играть за Вампира, выбрав его в качестве Истока в начале или превратившись в него во время игры. См. Полный список модов ниже, чтобы увидеть список всех модов, установленных в этом модпаке.
Список модов из сборки [1.17.1]:
- BetterNether
- ToolStats
- MouseWheelie(Fabric)
- BackSlot
- AwesomeDungeon-Fabric
- BetterF3
- Lithium(Fabric)
- Mo'Structures(Fabric)
- BetterBiomeBlend
- MCDungeonsArmors
- SnowUnderTrees(Fabric)
- DarkEnchanting
- [Fabric]FatExperienceOrbs
- CleanCut
- FPSReducer
- ModMenu
- Pling
- GrizzlybearMod
- MCDungeonsWeapons
FaithfulHD[x512]- FancyMenu[Fabric]
- Konkrete[Fabric]
- ExtraOrigins
- ClothAPI(Fabric)
- FabricLanguageKotlin
- DarkPaintings
- Comforts(Fabric)
- LambDynamicLights
- FabricTreeChopper
- Origins:Classes
- Haema
- CherishedWorlds(Fabric)
- FabricAPI
- PitchDark
- ArchitecturyAPI(Fabric)
- Xaero'sWorldMap
- FallingLeaves(Fabric)
- EnchantmentDescriptions
Dungeons.- DarkLoadingScreen
- RepurposedStructures(Fabric)
- OkZoomer
- LovelySnails
- AppleSkin
- [Fabric]ExpandedStorage
- CraftableHorseArmour&Saddle[CHA&S]
- Origins(Fabric)
- MoreVillagers[Fabric]
- Trinkets(Fabric)
- HerebenoDragons!
- NinjaPhenix'sContainerLibrary
- DualRiders
- RoughlyEnoughItemsFabric(REI)
- RespawnablePets
- Crawl(Fabric)
- Pehkui
- IrisShaders
- ClothConfigAPI(Fabric)
- Runelic
- Croptopia[FABRIC/FORGE]
- Clumps
- Adorn
- GeckoLib
- InventoryHUD+
- Xaero'sMinimap
- Explorer'sCompass
- Nature'sCompass
- AdventureZ
- AntiqueAtlas
- Patchouli(Fabric)
- MCDungeonsArtifacts
- BackSlotAddon
Как установить DarkRPGна Майнкрафт:
- Скачайте и установите CurseForge. Запустите лаунчер напрямую или через Overwolf.
- Зайдите в раздел Minecraft. Потом в раздел Просмотр сборок (Browse modpack). Выберите нужную версию Майнкрафта в списке Версий (All Game Versions)
- Вбейте в поиск DarkRPG и выберите сборку в списке внизу и нажмите Установка (Install). Дождитесь пока не появится кнопка Играть (play).
- Ваша сборка всегда будет видна в разделе Minecraft. Нажмите там play. Откроется ванильный лаунчер Майнкрафт.
- Если нужно залогинтесь через Моджанг или Майкрософт аккаунт и нажмите играть.
- Подробнее
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- additional structures fabric
- advanced netherite fabric
- air chidori origin
- alloy forgery
- all the trims
- altorigingui
- amethyst core
- amethyst imbuement
- aqua chidori origin origins addon
- architectury api
- armorpoints
- athena
- azurelib
- azure paxels
- bad wither no cookie reloaded
- beautify refabricated
- better combat by daedelus
- better third person
- better trims
- biome makeover
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- bosses of mass destruction
- cardinal components
- catalogue fabric
- chipped
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- chunky pregenerator
- cloth config
- clumps
- clutter
- collective
- connectivity
- controllable fabric
- controlling
- cosmetics
- craftpresence
- craterlib
- croptopia
- crystals overhauled
- darkbindings custom recipes
- darkcap cap your xp
- dark chidori origin origins addon
- darkfeather golden feather
- darkflight simple jetpack
- darkglint enchantment glint
- darkheads player heads
- darkinventory keep inventory on
- darkloot better mob loot
- darkmenu darkrpg legacy menu
- darkmining better block drops
- darkmobs increase mob difficulty
- darkorb orb of origin recipe
- darkquesting a quest mod
- darkrewards item rewards
- darkrtp rtp random teleport
- darksmithing smithing template recipes armor trims
- darkspawn teleport to spawn
- darkspins xp casino
- darkstarter starter items
- darktides breathe underwater
- darktimer clear entity lag
- dark waters
- darkwooly get more wool
- diamond auction house
- diamond economy
- digs dnd origins
- dragonloot
- drp global datapack
- dungeon and taverns
- durability101
- elytra trims
- elytra trims extensions
- emi
- emi loot
- emotecraft
- enchanted tooltips
- extra origins
- extra thicc packets
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabric waystones
- farmers delight fabric
- ferritecore fabric
- fix gpu memory leak
- force crawl
- forge config api port fabric
- framework fabric
- friends and foes
- friends and foes beekeeper hut fabric
- friends and foes flowery mooblooms fabric
- frostbytes slabs stairs
- fzzy core
- geckolib
- geode plus
- geophilic
- get it together drops
- golden berries
- grind enchantments
- handcrafted
- harvest scythes
- healing campfire
- held item info
- immediatelyfast
- immersive aircraft
- immersive armors
- indium
- inventory sorting
- irisshaders
- jade
- jamlib
- jei
- land chidori origin origins addon
- lazydfu
- libreexpfix
- limited spawners fabric
- loading screen tips
- log begone
- login protection
- lootr fabric
- macaws bridges
- macaws doors
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws paths and pavings
- macaws roofs
- macaws trapdoors
- malilib
- mariums soulslike weaponry
- meliusvanish
- menulogue
- midas hunger fabric
- minihud
- more armor trims
- more bows restrung
- more mob variants
- mouse tweaks
- mythicmetals
- mythic upgrades fabric
- neruina
- no chat reports
- no hostiles around campfire
- no see no tick
- nyctophobia fabric
- open parties and claims
- origins
- origins classes
- owo lib
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- playeranimator
- plenty of armors
- plushie mod
- polymorph
- puffish skills
- pumpkillagers quest
- regions unexplored
- reinforced barrels
- reinforced chests
- reinforced shulker boxes
- resourceful lib
- rpg origins
- sculked magpie origin
- searchables
- servercore
- show me your skin
- simple discord link bot forge fabric spigot
- simply houses
- simply swords
- sky villages fabric
- smartbrainlib
- smooth chunk save
- spark
- spellbound aegis origin
- starlight
- structure essentials forge fabric
- terrablender fabric
- the graveyard fabric
- things fabric
- toms trading network
- too fast
- tooltipfix
- trade cycling
- travelers backpack fabric
- trimseffects
- trinkets
- utility belt
- wall jumped
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wi zoom
- worldedit
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map
[su_spoiler title="Список модов из сборки на 1.20.1 (кликни для просмотра)" style="fancy" icon="arrow-circle-2"]
- additional structures fabric
- advanced netherite fabric
- air chidori origin
- alloy forgery
- all the trims
- altorigingui
- amethyst core
- amethyst imbuement
- aqua chidori origin origins addon
- architectury api
- armorpoints
- athena
- azurelib
- azure paxels
- bad wither no cookie reloaded
- beautify refabricated
- better combat by daedelus
- better third person
- better trims
- biome makeover
- bisecthosting server integration menu fabric
- bosses of mass destruction
- cardinal components
- catalogue fabric
- chipped
- choicetheorems overhauled village
- chunky pregenerator
- cloth config
- clumps
- clutter
- collective
- connectivity
- controllable fabric
- controlling
- cosmetics
- craftpresence
- craterlib
- croptopia
- crystals overhauled
- darkbindings custom recipes
- darkcap cap your xp
- dark chidori origin origins addon
- darkfeather golden feather
- darkflight simple jetpack
- darkglint enchantment glint
- darkheads player heads
- darkinventory keep inventory on
- darkloot better mob loot
- darkmenu darkrpg legacy menu
- darkmining better block drops
- darkmobs increase mob difficulty
- darkorb orb of origin recipe
- darkquesting a quest mod
- darkrewards item rewards
- darkrtp rtp random teleport
- darksmithing smithing template recipes armor trims
- darkspawn teleport to spawn
- darkspins xp casino
- darkstarter starter items
- darktides breathe underwater
- darktimer clear entity lag
- dark waters
- darkwooly get more wool
- diamond auction house
- diamond economy
- digs dnd origins
- dragonloot
- drp global datapack
- dungeon and taverns
- durability101
- elytra trims
- elytra trims extensions
- emi
- emi loot
- emotecraft
- enchanted tooltips
- extra origins
- extra thicc packets
- fabric api
- fabric language kotlin
- fabric waystones
- farmers delight fabric
- ferritecore fabric
- fix gpu memory leak
- force crawl
- forge config api port fabric
- framework fabric
- friends and foes
- friends and foes beekeeper hut fabric
- friends and foes flowery mooblooms fabric
- frostbytes slabs stairs
- fzzy core
- geckolib
- geode plus
- geophilic
- get it together drops
- golden berries
- grind enchantments
- handcrafted
- harvest scythes
- healing campfire
- held item info
- immediatelyfast
- immersive aircraft
- immersive armors
- indium
- inventory sorting
- irisshaders
- jade
- jamlib
- jei
- land chidori origin origins addon
- lazydfu
- libreexpfix
- limited spawners fabric
- loading screen tips
- log begone
- login protection
- lootr fabric
- macaws bridges
- macaws doors
- macaws fences and walls
- macaws lights and lamps
- macaws paths and pavings
- macaws roofs
- macaws trapdoors
- malilib
- mariums soulslike weaponry
- meliusvanish
- menulogue
- midas hunger fabric
- minihud
- more armor trims
- more bows restrung
- more mob variants
- mouse tweaks
- mythicmetals
- mythic upgrades fabric
- neruina
- no chat reports
- no hostiles around campfire
- no see no tick
- nyctophobia fabric
- open parties and claims
- origins
- origins classes
- owo lib
- patchouli fabric
- pehkui
- playeranimator
- plenty of armors
- plushie mod
- polymorph
- puffish skills
- pumpkillagers quest
- regions unexplored
- reinforced barrels
- reinforced chests
- reinforced shulker boxes
- resourceful lib
- rpg origins
- sculked magpie origin
- searchables
- servercore
- show me your skin
- simple discord link bot forge fabric spigot
- simply houses
- simply swords
- sky villages fabric
- smartbrainlib
- smooth chunk save
- spark
- spellbound aegis origin
- starlight
- structure essentials forge fabric
- terrablender fabric
- the graveyard fabric
- things fabric
- toms trading network
- too fast
- tooltipfix
- trade cycling
- travelers backpack fabric
- trimseffects
- trinkets
- utility belt
- wall jumped
- when dungeons arise fabric
- wi zoom
- worldedit
- xaeros minimap
- xaeros world map